Easy access to our taxi services 24/7, 365 days a year.
Taxis are an affordable, everyday means of transport, especially when there are 4 passengers.
Knowing Volos better than anyone, we suggest the best choices and finest destinations.
Fast and Safe
Fast customer service with safety and liability by professional drivers.
download our app for iOS and android mobiles

Book a taxi in a few seconds!
Our app is easy to use and friendly to users. After logging in you are automatically located via GPS and available vehicles are displayed. Just identify your location and track your driver and estimated arrival time.
shows location for easy TAXI booking
view driver’s info and all vehicles in a real time display
advanced booking: repeated appointments, fixed hour etc
Download the app:
The App is available for Android & iOS!
Just log in via your mobile and enjoy high standard TAXI services.
Forgot personal belongings in the taxi?
No reason for panic!
Whenever we track clients’ property in our vehicles we return it to our offices. In order to collect it follow the steps: